
29 May 2012

Tuesday. Thankful.

1. I am so thankful and excited that I am officially full term! That means Bob can come any time s/he is ready. 2. so thankful for the long weekend we had! It was a ton of fun and we got some good work done outside, and made progress towards crossing things off our to-do list. Ok, really, Jesse did most of it. But I am thankful for his hard work! 3. Mr S'More. I am very thankful for you. The invention of a s'more over a campfire was sheer brilliance, and I just so happen to be married to a guy who can consistently toast the perfect marshmallow. 4. the rain today: it was SO humid here all weekend. And hot. We needed the rain and the humidity needed to go away. 5. such patient family and friends. I really feel like I have been incredibly self-centered the past several weeks, so thanks to all of you for putting up with me. Photobucket

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