
27 September 2011

Smash Cake!

Finally getting my act together to display Lily's 12 month/smash cake pictures.  I use the term "smash cake" loosely, as there wasn't much smashing.

the delicious cake, thanks Betsy!
playing airplane before the excitement

if nothing else, I like how the tutu turned out!

poking the icing

trying to coax her into eating some of it
Fiona showing Lily how it's done

because really, I just can't get enough of this picture

more cake!
back off, this is mine!
My official theory on the smash cake thing is that Lily doesn't like getting her hands dirty.  Like her daddy.  Jesse could be covered head to toe in mud, and as long as the palms of his hands are clean, he won't mind.  I tried giving her a piece of cake on her birthday, and she'd get a little on her hands and immediately try and wipe it off on me or her shirt.  I know she doesn't mind getting dirty, because you should see her eat spaghetti..but that's ok :) maybe she'll play along next year or at Fiona's birthday!  I had fun trying, and I really enjoyed the tutu I made.

Now I have to go wake the little goober up for her 12 month wellness check-up!  Why would they schedule me for the middle of nap time?  Seriously.

26 September 2011

Big Girl is ONE!

My apologies for lack of updates on this front.  Life hasn't exactly been busy..but it's been keeping me moving.  And in the spare time where I can sit down and put my feet up, I don't really feel like blogging and have actually been reading a bunch more recently.  Which is excellent.  I actually just finished re-reading Pride and Prejudice.  I read this in high school and hated it then, but I really enjoyed reading it this time around.

Well, what can I tell you.  Lily is officially one.  I no longer have a baby, because apparently she is now classified as a toddler.  Even though she's been walking for ~2 months now, she wasn't 1 so I could still think of her as my baby.  Now it just seems weird.

At One, my big girl has 5 teeth; is walking everywhere and trying to run; eating all table foods; hating cow milk; referring to Zeke as "zzzz" and trying to at least get out "itty" for a cat; signing "more" and "all done"; looooooves swimming and is learning to jump in (thanks Julia..) so we get to be even more extra careful hah; taking one good, long nap during the day and we're working on sleeping through the night (which hasn't happened since the whole RSV business); climbing stairs like a pro; loves to laugh and smiles all the time; is wearing 12 month clothes; and is absolutely ridiculous.  

Lily's new favorite things involve her birthday presents from Jesse and me: kittens!  Ok, so they were more for me than for Lily, but we used her birthday as a good excuse.  My friend Jen and I went to pick them up Friday and Lily is in heaven.  I need to try and get a picture of her with them because she will occasionally catch one of them and the look on her face is one of absolute pride as she walks around holding the poor kitten.  


And in case you were wondering, Zeke loves the kittens, too.  He is absolutely giddy and cannot wait until they aren't scared of him anymore so they can play.  I'm not sure what kind of playing a Boxer and two kittens will do, but they hiss and put him back in his place quickly already, so I'm not too worried.  Spock is much more timid and scared than Zoey is, who is much more adventurous.  

I guess that's about all the excitement from here!


13 September 2011

let them eat cake!

We went to the park today to take Lily's 1 year pictures.  But before we get into that, real fast..

 My parents came to visit!  It went by much too quickly but I'm really glad they were able to come visit for a little while.  Dad and I went for an 8 miler on Saturday morning, and it was an absolutely gorgeous morning.  Mom, Jesse, Lily and the dog all walked a lap while we jogged.  It was a good run and I was surprised by how good I felt after we were done!
 And we went for a bike ride!  Fiona loves her little seat on Betsy's bike, and Lily, Ethan and Kayla all rode in the pull-behind-the-bike-carriage things.  Logan kept up on his own bike and Julia and I...well.  We rocked.
She only almost lost her leg once, and I only almost tipped us a few times.  Riding a tandem bike is NOT the easiest thing I've ever done, but after a few minutes, we both stopped screaming and were able to almost go in a straight line.  It was incredibly fun, to say the least.

Onto other matters.  Lily was a major party pooper with her pictures today, but that's ok, it was my fault: poor kid didn't want to take a nap allllll morning and was super tired and pretty grumpy when we went to the park.  Rookie mistake: reschedule and let your kid nap.  Regardless, we had fun and got some cute pictures.  Not of Lily, of course, but of Fiona!  She definitely stole the show.
always, always, always have a friend you can share cake with.
look at those baby blues..for the record, this picture was not edited in the slightest.
have you ever seen such a happy baby?
how Lily spent most of the pictures
of course..this did happen, too.
I think she's saying, "hey, back off, this is mine."
double fists!
and since Julia and I are both 5, it turned into a cake fight with the top layer.
Just a small sampling of the fun we had, but more pictures will be posted eventually.
