
08 November 2010

..and they lived happily ever after.

Jesse, Lily and I went on our first roadtrip as a family this past weekend and we all survived!  Success!  And considering the absolute mess I was Friday before we left, I did (I think..) a good job packing for a newborn, but not packing her entire wardrobe.  In fact, everything I took for her (including diapers and wipes) fit into one duffle bag, so I see this as a win and am hereby awarding myself a point.

It was definitely an adventure, though.  Jesse and I had to be in Toledo (6 hours away) by 6p on Friday for the rehearsal for Nikki and Rick's wedding (which I was in).  No problem..except we couldn't leave until 11:30a because Jesse had to work at least a few hours..leaving us only with a small, 30 minute window of time for bathroom/changing diaper stops, feedings (both for Lily and us!) and traffic.  Fortunately, Lily does really well with a bottle now, so I was able to feed her while we drove, and we made it to Toledo in plenty of time!  Another success.

Saturday morning, most of my family got up really early for a family breakfast with Mama and Poppy before Jesse and I had to leave for the wedding.  It was great to see them and spend some time together, but sadly it wasn't long enough.  It was long enough for me to get to see Lily meet her great-grandparents :) All of Team Pagano was in town this weekend, so while Jesse and I were at the wedding, Lily stayed in Findlay to be held and loved on by aunts, uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents.

Leaving Lily and being away from her all day was really hard, but I didn't cry!  I came close a few times, especially when a lady sat down in front of me at the reception with her 8 week old baby and was cuddling with her.  I almost asked if I could borrow her baby for a minute, but settled for just being awkward and talking to her.  The wedding was beautiful, and in my opinion, went off without a hitch.  I had never been apart of a Catholic wedding..or been to one for that I learned a lot and had no idea what was going on for most of it, but I followed the vows, exchange of the rings and the "and now for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan!!"

I love hanging out with Jesse's side of the family, so it was great to see them and get to talk to most of them at least a little bit.  And in some of our cases, sing and dance very badly at the reception.  Sister Erin was in the wedding with me, so we got in some wonderful sister bonding time, even though we completely failed at getting any picture of the two of us :( we both got our hair and make up done at a salon place, and even though I felt I had entirely too much make up on, it was fun to be pampered a little!


  1. Amber you did way better than me at leaving your little one for the first big time! And you look BEAUTIFUL! way to shed that baby weight!

  2. you look fabbbbulous for just having a baby!!! hot mama!! :)
