
10 June 2011

oh, hey!

Hey y'all!  Since I'm still on vacation and didn't bring my laptop, I had to steal Joel's when he wasn't looking.  Except that he is sitting next to me..I tried to take a picture of us with his webcam, but it was too dark and it is too late for me to care.  This is just a quick update anyway to let you all know we're alive and having fun :) Jess and Richard have to leave tomorrow (boo) but the rest of us don't leave until Sunday.  I will bore you all with details in later blogs with fun pictures when I get home and have some time to sift through all my pictures.

Team Hildebrand at Old Faithful
photo credit to the fabulous Kimmy

I will be back in action hopefully next week sometime..I will also try and update my daily pictures of Lily.  Something to look forward to there: guest photographer Kimmy a few days!  woohoo!

Until  next time, ciao!

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