
16 August 2015

I said what? 4

"Emma, don't hit Lily! No. I mean, Kaylee don't hit Emma!"

Lily: I'm the dragon!
Emma: no, I'm the dragon!
Me: well, one of you can be Smaug and the other can be...uh...Jesse, help me out, I need another dragon!
Jesse: Puff!

Jesse: no, don't touch my crown, I'M THE PRINCESS!!!!

"Why is there a puppy in the crib with Kaylee?"

After a discussion on hummingbirds in the van:
Lily: why do hummingbirds hum?
Jesse: (said so quickly that Lily almost didn't get to finish her sentence) BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW THE WORDS!!!
And after about 5 minutes of a ridiculous amount of laughing between Jesse and me,
Me: you've been waiting a long time for that.
Jesse: yes I have. Well, I have nothing else I want to do today.

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