
11 February 2015

Lily isms 29

Emma opened a bedroom door for Kaylee:
"Oh hi, Kaylee, welcome to our party!...ok, bye! I love you too much!"

Lily: look, I ran my lip into Emma's head and soon it will be snore.
Me: snore?
Lily: yes, snore.
Me to Jesse: ..? Sore?

(Emma was flailing around and trying to get her hair out of her face):

Emma: I very like Lily!

Lily: I'm waiting so hard!

Lily: can I call you, "Nanna?"
Emma: no, you're a banana!

Emma: I needed a tissue for my nose, it was freaking out.
--note, still laughing over this one--

Lily: it was right on the thing where you keep the things on!

--this conversation happened when I went to take Emma to the bathroom after she'd been asleep a few hours.  I'm not sure if she ever woke up during this or not--
Emma: where is my kite?
Me: in the garage.
Emma: him snoozing.
Me: yes...he's snoozing.
Emma: yep. him snoozing.

Lily: no socks for you!

Lily: here, you make toast with this making machine.
--about the toaster--

--about Lex Luthor from Superman--
Lily: Lufer Lufer doesn't have any hair!  Just a head.
Me: (wanting to confirm what she's saying for this posts sake) are you saying Lufer Lufer?
Lily: yes, when he was a baby, that's what his mommy named him.  But this guy calls him Lex...

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