-- my apologies for any repeats, I lost track--
Lily: what are girl deers called?
Me: does.
Lily: and boy deers are called deers.
Me: no, boy deer are called bucks.
Lily: why?
Me: because the animal is a deer but the boys are bucks and the girls are does. Like female chickens are hens and males are roosters. We are humans but you, your sisters and I are girls and Daddy is a boy.
Emma: yes, and mermaids! They are called mermaids.
Emma: my stomach makes noise when I'm hungry, right? Or maybe there is a tiger in there.
Lily: no, I want you to stay here and help me with Legos, Daddy!
Jesse: Momma will be here, she can help you.
Lily: no, she's no good at Legos!
Lily: did Queenie (a cow) and Big Red (a bull) get married?
Me: no, animals don't get married the same way humans do.
Lily: oh. Well can cows dance? I don't think they can. They can only sing, right?
in a completely quiet house, Lily had a song stuck in her head for the first time:
"I can hear the Timeline song all the way over here!!!"
Lily: let's get crackin'!
Lily: if I see it, I'll give you a shout.
Emma: well, it looks like I'm strong!
Emma: I SAW A SQUIRREL! IT WAS JUMPING AND JUMPING AND JUMPING and I don't know where he was going.
Lily: see, I'm being careful cutting: all 5 fingers still.
Emma: this is a big mess, but it's my mess, so I will clean it up because I'm a big girl.